Remember when this ad for the Insight video came out? You may have read about what happened to Chester Blacksmith while filming for the Insight video but he actually did an MTV Scarred segment complete with leg snap footy.
I came across this and just had to post it. Gnarly. I don't care what anybody says... BMX is way more dangerous than skateboarding.
Related Posts
Insight Trailer
Alex Liiv Scarred
Video: The Taste of Concrete
Video: How Not to Flip a Spine
Video: Crash Compilation
Video: Front Flip to Faceplant
Video: Props 67 - Slams
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Video: Chester Blacksmith Scarred
Posted by
1:23 AM
Labels: chester blacksmith, crash, mtv, scarred, Video
Friday, January 11, 2008
Ask Corey Martinez
This is all directly from the DIG website --
"We're featuring a Corey Martinez interview in issue 63 of Dig, and we're looking for some help on this one. Corey has requested that he'd liked the interview questions to come from all sorts of people, not one interviewer going head to head with him.
So we're putting out the call for anyone and everyone to send in your questions for the Corey Martinez interview. Please include your name and hometown along with a question in an e-mail to us. We're looking for anything you can think of regarding Corey Martinez. Send that to with the words 'Corey Martinez interview' in the subject field.
Your name will be featured alongside the question in the interview, and everyone in your town will want to be like you, so get busy thinking up a question for T-Nez..."
DigBMX websiteContest Info
Subscribe to DIGBMX
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Corey Martinez Video: Levi's Pro Team Remix
Posted by
11:59 PM
Labels: contest, corey martinez, dig bmx mag
Jim Cielencki Extra Footage
Head over to the Sunday site to watch a video of Jim Cielencki doing all kinds of crazy and different stuff on various street obstacles.
Sunday Bikes
Related Posts
Q&A With Jim Cielencki
Posted by
10:58 AM
Labels: Jim Cielencki, street, sunday bikes, Video
Video: Formby Jay AKA - Jay Richardson
I met Jay and Neil when they were in Austin last summer on holiday. Both these guys were so fucking cool and just destroyed any spots we hit. I remember Jay eyeing up the Jefferson ledge for a minute then proceeding to go full speed at it, bunny hop up the curb, hop up the hubba ledge to tailwhip off... first try. I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot more of Formby Jay soon as well. He's got a new ad in the current RideUK and then there's this video which is pretty mellow but sweet.
Deviant BMX
Posted by
9:31 AM
How to: 540 with Ben Snowden
RideBMX has been stepping up their game with the videos lately. Yesterday they had a How To install brakes video and today they have How To 540 with Ben Snowden.
Ben Snowden really explains things very well going into detail about how to approach the trick on different types of ramps, your mindset and how to build your confidence.
So head over there to watch it and make sure to watch all of it because there's a bit of shredding at the end.
How To 540 With Ben Snowden
Posted by
9:30 AM
Labels: Ben Snowden, how to, ridebmx, Video
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Video: Tom Blyth's Part from Voices
Well, I came across this and figured it would be alright to post...
FBM's new DIG Ad
Tom Blyth is in FBM's new DIGBMX ad with a busted knee. Get well soon!
Head over to FBM to check out some other pics too including Tom doing an uprail to no-hander... sweet.
Click photo for larger version
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Video: Luke Parslow
I just came across this Luke Parslow video on BNQT. A backflip turndown and a double backflip... these Aussies love the dirt. No wonder he won Dew Tour.
Posted by
9:39 PM
Labels: bmx, Luke Parslow, trails, Video
Video: Brian Kachinski web movie
Check out this Brian Kachinski web movie from UGP.
Spotted on the Etnies site.
Posted by
9:22 PM
Labels: Brian Kachinski, UGP, Video
Video: Brakeless In L.A. Street Mix
Riding in LA with Drew York, Eric Holley, Josh Scherle, and Miles Rogish.
Related Posts
Video: Tulsa Vagabonds in LA
Posted by
8:34 PM
Labels: bmx, Drew York, Eric Holley, Josh Scherle, los angeles, Miles Rogish
Video: Woodward Indoor Sessions
Here is a video from VitalBMX that has Jeremiah Smith, Ronnie Napolitan, Anthony Napolitan, Vinnie Vasquez, and Rylan Bennett shredding at Woodward. What's with all those Lazy-Boy recliners at the 1:13 mark?
Posted by
7:23 PM
Labels: anthony napolitan, bmx, Jeremiah Smith, park, Ronnie Napolitan, Rylan Bennett, Steve Woodward, Vinnie Vasquez
Terrible One Fakie Contest
Terrible One is having a fakie air contest at the T-1 ramp on Saturday, Feb. 2nd. The ramp opens at 1pm... see you there!
Posted by
1:11 PM
Labels: austin, bmx, contest, t-1, terrible one
Video: Self Expression Full Legth Video
Self Expression from Platypus films on Vimeo.
Posted by
9:44 AM
Labels: bmx, full length, platypus films, Video
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Air Jordan XX3 Unveiled (officially)
Today, in New York, Jordan Brand officially unveiled the Air Jordan XX3, the high anticipated 23rd iteration of the worlds most respected and innovative basketball shoe.
I personally think this is the ugliest shoe I have ever seen and I'm sure it will be a big hit in the ghetto with the crack dealers for no other fact that dealers love to wear expensive basketball shoes... and these are expensive indeed. Suggested retail is $230.
Nike claims that "details in the development and design of the shoe seek to reduce waste and allow for the use of environmentally preferred materials wherever possible—all without compromising athletic performance". Sure, whatever you say. Propaganda and marketing speak all sounds the same.
Read the entire article at
Or to see some really good shoes check out:
Lotek Brand
Orchid Footwear
Posted by
6:58 PM
Labels: air jordan XX3, Nike 6.0, shoes
Video: Chicks Ride BMX in the Nude
Umm... NSFW. I honestly have no clue what this video is about and what it for but really, who cares?
Sergio Layos Bonus Video on Woozy
There is a Sergio Layos bonus video section over on WoozyBMX. Head over there to watch him rip some trails and cement parks. Check out the video here - Sergio Layos Bonus video.
filmed an edited by Dominik Wrobel
photography by Rutger Pauw
Posted by
1:57 PM
Labels: bmx, Sergio Layos, Video, woozy BMX
Ian Schwartz Interview
Ian Schwartz is definitely a different type of rider. He follows his own path and pushes himself in new directions, constantly improving and progressing.
Ride UK has an interview with him in which he talks a bit about the Dubai Xgames that he competed in, Slim Jims, and the craziness that is Dubai.
Ian Schwartz Interview
Sunday Bikes
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Ian Schwart'z Sunday Frame
Ian Schwart'z Crazy Bike Check
Posted by
12:43 PM
Labels: Ian Schwartz, interview, rideuk
Video: Flatland from TGM
New flatland video from The Green Mile featuring Jason Forde, Phil Dolan, Shane Badman, Effraim Catlow, and Mario Carlese.
Posted by
12:08 PM
Labels: bmx, Effraim Catlow, flatland, Jason Forde, Mario Carlese, Phil Dolan, Shane Badman, TGM
Alistair Whitton Bike Check
There is an Alistair Whitton bike check on the MacNeil site. Get there to check out his bike and some great photography by Jordan Vilanna.
While you're there make sure to check the main page to see the results of the F.A.C.E. pedal contest. You'll never guess what the hell F.A.C.E stands for.
MacNeil Bikes
Alistair Whitton Bike Check
Posted by
10:28 AM
Labels: Alistair Whitton, bike check, bmx, MacNeil
Monday, January 7, 2008
Dakota Roche Video Bike Check
RideBMX has a video bike check of Dakota Roche's whip. Check it out to find out what he says is the downside to not having brakes, how often he gets a whole new bike, and how he mods his bikes. I had no idea Dakota Roche was that short... i guess because ho goes so big.
Ride BMX site
Dakota Roche Video Bike Check
Subscribe to RideBMX magazine
Posted by
3:45 PM
Labels: bike check, Dakota Roche, ride bmx mag, Video
Video: Crash Compilation
I have no idea what video this is from...looks like a Props logo on there though?
Related Posts
Video: Chicks Ride BMX in the Nude
Video: How Not to Flip a Spine
Video: Alex Liiv Scarred
Video: Chester Blacksmith Scarred
Video: The Taste of Concrete
Video: Front Flip to Faceplant
Video: Props 67 - Slams
Posted by
11:14 AM
Labels: bails, compilation, crash, Video
Preview: DIG BMX MAG #62
Head over to Defgrip to
check out the Preview of the new DIG BMX magazine, issue #62. There are a bunch of pictures to go along with the overview of whats in this new issue.
There are feature articles with Mike Aitken, Geoff Slattery, and Justin Simpson. Mikey Aitken has the cover shot which looks so sweet.
If you don't have a subscription you can get one by going to the subscription site.
Posted by
11:01 AM
Labels: defrgip, dig bmx mag, Geoff Slattery, Justin Simpson, mike aitken
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Video: Del Age 11 Vs. Daniel Dhers
Ok, maybe that might be a bit of an exaggeration but if this Del kid is this good at age 11, then when he does turn 22 he will pretty much own the Dew Tour or Xgames if they are still around. At age 11 he's firing out 360-whips over a box jump, double-tailwhips on a quarter, and tailwhips over a coping spine...FTW? Daniel Dhers and Scotty Cranmer should watch their backs. Check out this surreal video.
Del's Profile on VitalBmx