SWBMX has uploaded a new ditch edit. Watch it or else...
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Video: SWBMX Ditch Edit
Posted by
12:00 PM
Video: Josh Betley & KC Badger
Josh Betley & KC Badger shred some Arizona street and park.
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KC Badger Video Bike Check
Random Video of the Day - Josh Betley
Posted by
11:08 AM
Labels: arizona, josh betley, kc badger, Video
Friday, January 25, 2008
Video: On The Low
On The Low - Flatland Trailer
Check out this trailer for "On The Low". I am always impressed by good flatland riding because it takes so much more patience and mental focus then people think. The video is scheduled to come out in March 2008 but until then, peep this trailer.
--Spotted on the FATBMX.
Posted by
4:56 PM
Labels: flatland, on the low, trailer, Video
Video: Crash Compilation 2
Crash Compilation. Watch BMXers get worked.
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Video: The Taste of Concrete
Video: How Not to Flip a Spine
Video: Alex Liiv Scarred
Video: Chester Blacksmith Scarred
Video: Crash Compilation
Video: Front Flip to Faceplant
Video: Props 67 - Slams
Posted by
3:27 PM
Labels: compilation, crash, Video
Nathan Williams Goes United Pro
United has given Nathan Williams the bump up onto the Pro team. He joins his buddy Corey Williams, Kye Forte, Ricky Feather, Caleb Kilby, Ryan Metro, Leo Forte, and Robin Fenlon and everyone knew it was just a matter of time cuz this kid is a shredder.
Posted by
3:08 PM
Labels: nathan willimas, united
Peg vs. Skull
Peg vs. Skull... guess who wins?
"its true!
but not such a good thing,
last weekend i was riding trails (saturday arvo), i nose cased the last in the line, thankfully with noone behind me, and went OTB. From that point, everything went wrong, i hit the dirt, the bike went up over my back and i got a peg to the head, and we all know that pegs are harder than a porn star on viagra.
Basically from that point, i just got up onto all fours, chucked off my helmet, while noticing a torrent of blood pissing from my head, like seriously pissing out, so off came the shirt and it went straight to the head.
I hung round for a bit, called my dad and he came to pick me up, i was ages from home though. When he got there some white shit was on my shirt, dad joked that it was probably brains, i'll get back to that later."
Pretty gnarly. Make sure to head over to zombiebmx and read the whole story. There are more pics as well.
Posted by
2:05 PM
Aaron Ross Leaves FBM
Aaron Ross will part ways with FBM. There has been a ton of speculation about this recently but now you can read everything. Aaron and Steve Crandall have released statements.
This is straight from the official press release:
What Aaron Ross wrote:
"So three years ago was the first time I ever talked to Crandall in my life. I was a scared little kid that wanted nothing more then to ride a bike and have some fun. I was nervous as hell on the phone and the big talk was all about if I would fit in on the team since I have never drank in my life. I did not know how well I would fit in and how road trips would go. Crandall talks to me for a while and told me all about the two Tony's and how they were not drinkers and by the end of the phone call I was on FBM and ready to go. So a few months later was Road Fools 14 and that was the first time I met Crandall and the rest was a blast. We had the best of times over seas and on road trips. I never had any idea bike riding would do what it has done, but I go outside ride like I am 12. I could not ever have pick a better team then FBM to get into this whole thing. We had the sweetest team with the two Tony's , Cameron Wood, Derrick Girard and Tag. I was able to design shirt with glasses on them, a Saved by the Bell themed frame with some bright colors and loved it all. Now FBM and I are going in different directions and we both are ready to accomplish new things. It has been one of the roughest months of the past few years because I have to move from a company that I have real friends, and not only Crandall, but Big Dave who makes the most kick ass bikes, John Lee who is the best person to talk too when calling up to the shop, John Paul who is just a funny guy, and Erbs who is a guy that has helped me out more then you can imagine. It’s been a good time the last 3 years and I would not change one thing. I want to say that I came into this all with dudes I saw while I was growing up and I am leaving with these guys as some of my best friends. I love all the dudes at FBM and my family and I thank all of those guys for everything the last 3 years, letting me have some of the best times, and I wish everyone at FBM the best of luck.
Have fun everyday!
What Steve Crandall Wrote:
"I think it was the winter in 2005 while on a road trip through Texas. I was visiting with Tom and Tina from Empire, and their first video was about to be released. Tina had mentioned one of their riders might be a good person to consider helping out. I saw a preview of the video, and was in shock as this kid riding a blue PW Moto was doing shit I hadn't seen before, and to the upbeat tempo of some country music - "If you're going to play Texas, you got to have a fiddle in the band". His name was Aaron Ross, and he walked to the tune of a thrown bicycle with a loose hub guard. Fast forward a few months and Aaron has gone from shop supported FBM flow guy, to a rising star rookie pro. Cranking out amazing video parts, with a line of Adam Roye inspired T-shirts and a pro model frame with outrageous graphics and color ways. The next couple of years ended up being a good time with Aaron growing as a professional rider, filming for various sponsors and road trips, traveling the world for various contests, and the like. This year all of the above culminated into a whirlwind of X-games podium finishes, breakthrough video parts, and a NORA win in Las Vegas.
With all of that, the offers started rolling in, to the point where FBM couldn't realistically provide Aaron the same things that another company could potentially provide. Our relationship was good, but it was obvious that more opportunity might exist by taking a different route. After a good talk, it was agreed that Aaron should explore these other offers, and see what's out there for him. As a sponsor, our goal was to support Aaron the best we could, and right now that includes letting go of an amazing rider, so he can do what's best for him. The results from our Sponsor/rider relationship proved successful, and a strong friendship remains, and I look forward to seeing what Aaron can accomplish in his next chapter.
Thanks Aaron, and good luck
- Crandall/ FBM Bikes."
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Aaron Ross on Sunday
Posted by
1:24 PM
Labels: Aaron Ross, fbm steve crandall
Video: How to Grind Rails
Owain Clegg shows you how to do some tricks down rails. Pre knee explosion...
Posted by
10:58 AM
Labels: how to, owain clegg, rails, Video
Video: Simpel Session Update - Friday Morning
This video is hillarious and has Catfish in it doing some sort of MTV Cribs spoof in Estonia. There will be a lot of crazy shit going down this weekend at the Simpel Session and hopefully it's all caught on camera. The video is kind of NSFW so make sure your mom is not looking over your shoulder when you watch it.
spotted on RideUk
Posted by
8:54 AM
Labels: catfish, simpel seesion, Video
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Video: FedEX Halfpipe Commercial
I have never seen this before because I never really watch TV. After having worked on TV shows for so long I pretty much can't stand TV anymore but this commercial is pretty funny and you should watch it...
Posted by
5:11 PM
Labels: commercial, fedex
Video: Samson Ross' Video
Nice video with some chill riding. Spotted on Diversitybmx.
Posted by
4:31 PM
Labels: diversity bmx, Samson Ross
Spy Shots: Mitch Yeates Signature Simple Frame
The photos of the Mitch Yeates signature Simple frame have been released.
The frame has really tiny dropouts, a smaller bottom bracket tube, a partially exposed internal headset, and weighs 4.4 pounds just to name a few things.
It's still a prototype but you can check out all the pictures on the RideUK website because they aren't even on the Simple website as of this post.
Simple BMX
Mitch Yeates' Simple Frame
Posted by
2:54 PM
Labels: mitch yeates, prototype, rideuk, simple
Video: Christian Rigal on Vital
Christian Rigal rips it up in this video. Park and street footy for you to check out courtesy of VitalBMX.
Posted by
11:14 AM
Labels: christain rigal, Video, vital bmx
Video: DFTU Mixellaneous
Pretty cool street video with some chill riding in it, all from over the pond. It's got a ton of different riders in it. Pretty funny to hear English people yelling "holla" with their accents...
Spotted on Streetphire
Posted by
8:02 AM
Labels: DFTU Mixellaneous, england, street, Video
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Video: Ian Schwartz - Lotek Mixtape Volume 1
Here's some freecoaster riding courtesy of Ian Schwartz.
Posted by
6:12 PM
Labels: bmx, fakie, freecoaster, Ian Schwartz, lotek mixtape
Video: Dennis Enarson 360 Triple Tailwhip
Dennis Enarson pulls a 360 triple tailwhip in a Dew Tour practice session.
I find it amazing that he is 16 years old. Or is he 17 yet?
Kid can shred that's all i know... hot fiyah son!
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Top 10 Videos on Vital BMX
Dennis Enarson is 16 Years old...
Video: Nike Banksgiving Jam 2
Posted by
4:41 PM
Labels: Dennis Enarson, dew tour, Video
Video: The Taste of Concrete
All I gotta say is... you weren't even close buddy.
Best quote is -
Dude#1 "my teeth are screwed up now".
Dude#2 "Nah you can just get caps or whatever"
Classic... the writers are on strike but you can't write good comedy like this...
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Video: Chicks Ride BMX in the Nude
Video: How Not to Flip a Spine
Video: Alex Liiv Scarred
Video: Chester Blacksmith Scarred
Video: Crash Compilation
Video: Front Flip to Faceplant
Video: Props 67 - Slams
Posted by
3:59 PM
Random Links and Videos - 1/23/08
The Brokeback Cowboy Heath Ledger died yesterday at the age of 28 of an apparent sleeping pill overdose. I would joke about it but the part that is not funny is that he leaves behind a young child that will grow up without him but I'm sure that child will have a trust fund based on Heath's money and the fact that he will no longer have to pay his $26,000 per month rent. All that $money$ might help smooth out the rough spots of childhood... or not.
Speaking of trust fund babies here is a picture of Paris Hilton and Jared Leto mourning the death of their fellow celeb. Pour some Cristal out on the ground for Heath...
Diddy is changing his name again...pretend you don't care...but you do
Driverless cars in the urban environment - Video
Totally freaking out while using drugs - Video
A funny video about G-spots that you won't find funny because
you've never had a girlfriend and your chances don't look good
Some webcam dancer video that's NSFW
Ernie and Bert go metal.
Bijou Phillips gets asked her opinion about Heath Ledger's death because
she's famous...well, kind of. She articulates her feelings so well.
"I've met him a few times... It's just not cool.. it's gotta stop" she said.
Self induced swirly. Caught with your
toilet mounted spy cam... pervert.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Video: Radiohead Scotch Mist
Radiohead ushered in 2008 by webcasting live in-studio performances of songs from In Rainbows on New Year's Eve. Over an Hour long, there are 7 videos here. Watch them consecutively and you'll feel like you were there in the studio instead of at home by yourself watching the ball drop on TV, which you were. Enjoy.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Radiohead Scotch Mist Part 4
Radiohead Scotch Mist Part 5
Radiohead Scotch Mist Part 6
Radiohead Scotch Mist Part 7
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Pitchfork's Top 20 of 2007
Posted by
10:22 PM
Labels: radiohead, scotch mist, Video, webcast
F15teen Magazine
F15teen Magazine just dropped and it's dope.
I'm really psyched on this web magazine because it features a different side of BMX. Let's face it, there's a reason that there are so many artists, designers, photographers and creative people in the BMX community... it's because BMX is a creative sport. This magazine aims to showcase those that have a role in the artistic side of our sport.
This first issue has interviews with Defgrip and MacNeil art director Harrison Boyce, photographer Chris Hill-Scott, and filmmaker Steve Olpin. There are opportunities to have your work displayed in the next issues and it's available as a download in PC and MAC or you can just view it online. It looks amazing and the content is great... the downloadable flash version even has embedded videos inside..SICK! I can't wait for the next issue already.
note - if you download it it will be an .exe file but don't worry it is not a program that you need to install. It just starts a Flash viewer. It's totally legit.
F15teen Magazine
Posted by
9:51 PM
Labels: F15teen Magazine
Video: Jay Miron on MTV Cribs
Posted by
9:39 PM
Labels: jay miron, lifestyle, MacNeil, mtv. cribs, Video
Video: Eddie Cleveland - Lotek Mix Tape 1
Some Eddie Cleveland goodness for you.
Eddie Cleveland Interview in RideUK
Posted by
6:57 PM
Labels: Eddie Cleveland, lotek, mixtape, Video
New Insight Ad
The latest Insight ad has come out. There are 7 total ads now and if you look back at all of them you'll see that the series has come full circle. The Latest ad looks just like the first except for the actual photo so I would think that means that this is the last of the series before the video drops.
I could be wrong though. Head over to Defgrip to see the ad fullsize and you can check all 6 of the previous ads too.
The Insight video will feature Mike Brennan, Jerad Washington, Davey Watson, Chester Blacksmith, Darryl Tocco, and Dakota Roche. Be sure to check it out.
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Chester Blacksmith Scarred
Insight Trailer
Posted by
7:39 AM
Labels: and Dakota Roche, chester blacksmith, Darryl Tocco, Davey Watson, Defgrip, insight, Jerad Washington, Mike Brennan
Monday, January 21, 2008
RIDEbmx Issue 142
Head over to RIDEbmx to get the sneak preview of what's inside the latest issue of RIDEbmx magazine.
It's the annual photo issue with Corey Bohan on the cover airing a quarter in front of a waterfall...awesome. Besides having tons of photos there are some great articles including a Mat Hoffman Q&A.
Go read the preview at RIDEbmx or subscribe and get a free gift.
Subscribe to RIDEbmx magazine
cover photo by Jeff Zielinski
Posted by
5:26 PM
Labels: preview, ride bmx mag, ridebmx
Video: Dew Tour - The Ultimate Mix
I'm still trying to catch up with all my posts and news so a few of these might be a couple days old but i need to post them anyways.
Vital BMX has put together their "Ultimate Dew Tour Remix" that has highlights of the whole year and all the most insane circus tricks caught on video. It's pretty much all bangers. Watch this video to see riding from Scotty Cranmer, Morgan Wade, Garrett Reynolds, Dave Mirra, Dennis Enarson, Corey Bohan, Chris Doyle, Mike Aitken, Dave Dillewaard, Josh Harrington, and tons more.
Posted by
3:44 PM
Labels: bmx, Chris Doyle, corey bohan, Dave Dillewaard, Dave Mirra, Dennis Enarson, Josh Harrington, mike aitken, Morgan Wade, Scotty Cranmer, Video, vital bmx
Video: How Not to Flip a Spine
Spotted on the ComeUp (i think)
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Video: The Taste of Concrete
Video: Alex Liiv Scarred
Video: Chester Blacksmith Scarred
Video: Crash Compilation
Video: Front Flip to Faceplant
Video: Props 67 - Slams
Posted by
2:56 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Just got back
Just got back in town earlier and I am too tired to really post anything but keep checking because I have a couple bike checks and interviews coming up real soon. Andy Martinez and his new signature frame prototype, Ryan Smith, and an Interview with Jeremie Infelise.
Posted by
11:37 PM